Monday, February 7, 2011

Expressional... Spiritual... Natural...

So it's been well over 6 months since my last blog. Which is good for me, because in that time a lot of reflecting was going on. This blog is all about love.. Right? And for most of us, Love is what we are seeking. And for many, Love is not what we wake up to everyday. Or so we think. You may or may not know where I am going with this, but I'll keep going. There are in my opinion and observation 3 types of love in the world. There is Expressional Love, Spiritual Love, and Natural Love. All of which should be limitless which is Unconditional love.
Expressional Love is what we do to show how we love another person.
For example when a man first falls in love with a woman he buys her flowers and gifts. Or women will give a back rub or cook dinner. We do this to show how into that person we are. Or how much we love that person. Sex is also a form of Expressional Love, that is why when you love someone you make love to them. You are in that moment using you body as an instrument to express your love for that person.
Spiritual Love however is a little bit differently. And can be broken down into several different levels as well. Think about your best friend... Say your best friend is of opposite sex. It is not odd to be spiritually in love with your best friend. There is not necessarily anything physical in the relationship. How ever, the two of you have a connection that over the years has gone to another level. They understand your silence, and can read between your words. And can sometimes anticipate your thoughts.
Lastly there is Natural Love... Parents, grand-parent, sisters, brothers, aunts and uncles. If you have family you wake up to is everyday. If you are still living and breathing everyday you experience it everyday. It's the love no one should have to teach you. Even the most selfish and concieted person on the planet loves everyday. If they are not completely in love with themselves, they are in love with their things.
All three of these forms of love are essential to our lives. In the last 6 months while I was away in my own little world reflecting on my life and my love... I experienced the above 3 stages. And I learned how to unconditionally love me.
I treat my self to show myself just how much I love me. I read motivational books and I've gotten back into the church and into what God is up to. I realize how much someone else should love me and how loved I am loved by God. Every single morning I wake up to the wonderful voices of my 3 year old twin girls. As sleepy as I may be I smile and out of love fulfill their early morning requests. I took a step back and I found love all around me. Then I monitored my every situation and circumstance and still found love was there unconditionally.
Got Love <3?

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Battle Within!

Have you ever felt like no matter what you do everything goes wrong? Humm... I thought maybe you would have felt that way at least once. I have to say it is one of the most frustrating feelings for me. But right now it's a little more than a feeling, it's a reality.

So my 23rd birthday is only 7 days away! I'll be celebrating over the weekend with friends and family. And my day it maybe, but it feels like it's not fully for me.

I have found there are 2 types of people in the world, "Givers" and "Takers." I fall into the giver category myself. I am always trying to change to make others happy and more comfortable. And every year I do or at least try to do all of this stuff for my birthday, but somehow I end up disappointed and frustrated.

This is just not a birthday extravaganza problem, this is a day to day issue I deal with. In my line of work, customer service, I am constantly bending to please others. In all of my friendships and in my relationship I am bending to make others happy. I'm just a big people pleaser, and I don't want to be anymore.

I want to give, think, live, and love freely! I feel like I have to do all that I do know. I am seeking to please me. So do I become a taker? How do you turn the green light off and turn the red light on?


Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Love Rehab!

A few friends of mine have gone through the whole love and heartbreak thing more than once. And every time it has left them with an even more bitter taste in their mouths about love. I can say that at least one of them has given up on the whole idea, and forbids themselves to ever again get emotionally attached to another person.

I can't say I blame them for never wanting to experience the heartache again. Going through it once kept me guarded for years. But I then decided to love again and give my all into another relationship. And I've grown to realize love itself is necessary to existance.

What I went through in high school with love was major then but nothing now! Looking back on past relationships, I realize where I went wrong. If we would just take more time loving ourselves for a little while, realizing real love from fake would be easier.

One thing I learned from a good guy friend of mine is that you should be loved the way you want to be loved. Many people including myself settle for less then what they deserve. And when it all goes sour, they decided love has done them wrong.

Correction you have wronged yourself. Before your next dive into love friends, take some time to love yourselves. Once you have loved you, you will realize if and when someone else is actually loving you back! So in between heartache and happiness, go through love rehab with youself.

Until next time friends! Be blessed!

Monday, April 26, 2010

Flame or Flicker?

I wake up everyday with the same routine.
Roll out of the bed at 8am just to take the dog out then back to sleep for another 2 hours. Then my day really begins. Everyone has a routine typically, we got through the same things everyday. With that being said, who's to say our love is not the same?

Have you ever looked at your "Flame" and realized there isn't even a "flicker" in your heart? Well my friend you have turned your mate into an everyday routine.

So how do we spice up things to get the Flame back? That question is for you to answer, because my friends it takes change.

I back up solidarity in relationships fully! But please recognize the problem early because I also completely relate to wanting out of something worth fighting for.

How could I relate to wanting out of something worth fighting for you might ask? Simple... When you've fought to win someone's love for so long you eventually get tired. And many would say you give up, but I say you realize your mistake. While they were still your flame you were merely their flicker. And once the tables turn and it's just too late to turn back the hands of time what do you do?

Many minds seek for a logical answer, some set instructions. Life however is not so clear so you must just do what it best for you!

I leave you with a drink of thought from a good friend of mine!

When life hands you Vodka and a Lime; make a margarita!

Time Heals Wounds!