Monday, April 26, 2010

Flame or Flicker?

I wake up everyday with the same routine.
Roll out of the bed at 8am just to take the dog out then back to sleep for another 2 hours. Then my day really begins. Everyone has a routine typically, we got through the same things everyday. With that being said, who's to say our love is not the same?

Have you ever looked at your "Flame" and realized there isn't even a "flicker" in your heart? Well my friend you have turned your mate into an everyday routine.

So how do we spice up things to get the Flame back? That question is for you to answer, because my friends it takes change.

I back up solidarity in relationships fully! But please recognize the problem early because I also completely relate to wanting out of something worth fighting for.

How could I relate to wanting out of something worth fighting for you might ask? Simple... When you've fought to win someone's love for so long you eventually get tired. And many would say you give up, but I say you realize your mistake. While they were still your flame you were merely their flicker. And once the tables turn and it's just too late to turn back the hands of time what do you do?

Many minds seek for a logical answer, some set instructions. Life however is not so clear so you must just do what it best for you!

I leave you with a drink of thought from a good friend of mine!

When life hands you Vodka and a Lime; make a margarita!

Time Heals Wounds!

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